
Historical Geography Research Group (HGRG). 2019 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference

Each year, the HGRG sponsors a variety of sessions at the Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers). On this page you can find details of previously-sponsored sessions and calls for future session proposals.

2019 Annual International Conference 

The Historical Geography Research Group (HGRG) of the RGS-IBG is pleased to extend an invitation to sponsor sessions at the 2019 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference.

In keeping with the conference theme—“geographies of trouble / geographies of hope”, chaired by Professor Hester Parr (University of Glasgow)—we are interested in both standard sessions in historical geography and those that speak, more directly, to the conference theme. We are particularly keen to encourage the development of innovative session formats (such as round-tables, public debates, and displays) and activities that extend beyond the spaces of the conference. We especially encourage proposals for sessions that incorporate early-career researchers, international scholars, and those who have not previously attended the Annual International Conference.

The deadline for submissions to the HGRG is Friday, 18 January 2019.

Proposals for sponsored sessions should be emailed to the Honorary Secretary, Cheryl McGeachan (cheryl.mcgeachan@glasgow.ac.uk).

In your submission, please include the following details:

1) The session title and abstract (400 words);

2) The name(s) and affiliation(s) of the session convener/convenors;

3) The anticipated format of the session;

4) The number of session timeslots you require (strictly up to a maximum of 2).

Convenors will be notified in due course of the outcome of their request. If sponsorship can be provided, convenors will have until 15 February 2019 to provide the full session details (with all proposed papers and presenters) for final submission to the RGS-IBG.

The full timeline for submitting sessions and abstracts for the 2019 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference can be found on-line:


Convenors will be expected to produce a report of their session to be published in the autumn 2019 issue of HGRG’s newsletter.

We look forward to hearing from you.