2020, Publikationen

Silvia Elena Piovan (2020): The Geohistorical Approach. Methods and Applications, Springer: Cham.

This book gives a comprehensive view of the strengths and limits of the interdisciplinary methods that work together to form the geohistorical approach to geographical and geological sciences. The geohistorical approach can be synthetically defined as a multi- and interdisciplinary approach that uses techniques and perspectives, mainly from geography, history, and natural sciences, to examine topics that inform the space-time knowledge of environment, territory, and landscape. The boundary between the application of physical and human science methods is large and hazy. This volume exists at this boundary and offers an approach that utilizes both historical data (from both physical and human records) and GIScience (e.g. GIS, cartography, GPS, remote sensing) to investigate the evolution of the environment, territory and landscape through both space and time.