2023, Publikationen

Philipp Kröger (2023): Das vermessene Volk. Nationalitätenstatistik und Bevölkerungspolitik in Deutschlands östlichen Grenzländern 1860–1945. (= Historische Wissensforschung; Bd. 21) Wallstein: Göttingen.

Die Nationalitätenstatistik veränderte ab der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts nicht nur die Vorstellungen davon, was eine Nation sei, sondern auch Praktiken und Politiken, die sich auf diese Vorstellungen bezogen. Lag an ihrem Beginn die Idee, die offenen Fragen des deutschen Nationaldiskurses nach ethnopolitischen Zugehörigkeiten und Grenzziehungen zu beantworten, wurde sie um 1900 zur wichtigen symbolischen… Read More Philipp Kröger (2023): Das vermessene Volk. Nationalitätenstatistik und Bevölkerungspolitik in Deutschlands östlichen Grenzländern 1860–1945. (= Historische Wissensforschung; Bd. 21) Wallstein: Göttingen.

2022, Publikationen

Sascha Nolden, George Hook and Simon Nathan (eds.) (2022): Sir Julius von Haast Commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of the founder of Canterbury Museum. Proceedings of the Haast Symposium hosted by Canterbury Museum 30 April – 1 May 2022. Canterbury Museum Bulletin No. 11: Canterbury.

This volume presents 10 papers related to the life of Canterbury Museum founder Sir Julius von Haast, eight of which were presented at the online symposium Haast Symposium: Celebrating the Life of Sir Julius von Haast in 2022. Sir Julius von Haast, who was born on 1 May 1822 in Bonn, Germany. This special Canterbury Museum Bulletin… Read More Sascha Nolden, George Hook and Simon Nathan (eds.) (2022): Sir Julius von Haast Commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of the founder of Canterbury Museum. Proceedings of the Haast Symposium hosted by Canterbury Museum 30 April – 1 May 2022. Canterbury Museum Bulletin No. 11: Canterbury.

2022, Publikationen

Philipp Lehmann (2022): Desert Edens. Colonial Climate Engineering in the Age of Anxiety. Princeton University Press: Princeton.

How technological advances and colonial fears inspired utopian geoengineering projects during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries From the 1870s to the mid-twentieth century, European explorers, climatologists, colonial officials, and planners were avidly interested in large-scale projects that might actively alter the climate. Uncovering this history, Desert Edens looks at how arid environments and… Read More Philipp Lehmann (2022): Desert Edens. Colonial Climate Engineering in the Age of Anxiety. Princeton University Press: Princeton.

2022, Publikationen

Charles W. J. Withers (2022): Majestic River: Mungo Park and the Exploration of the Niger. Birlinn Ld.: Edinburgh.

One of the greatest stories of world exploration ever told. By the late eighteenth century, the river Niger was a 2,000-year-old two-part geographical problem. Solving it would advance European knowledge of Africa, provide a route to commercial opportunity and help eradicate the evil of slavery.Mungo Park achieved lasting fame in 1796 by solving the first… Read More Charles W. J. Withers (2022): Majestic River: Mungo Park and the Exploration of the Niger. Birlinn Ld.: Edinburgh.

2023, Publikationen

Martin Jeske (2023): Ein Imperium wird vermessen: Kartographie, Kulturtransfer und Raumerschließung im Zarenreich (1797–1919). De Gruyter Oldenbourg: Berlin.

arten sind Instrumente zur Vermessung der Welt. Die von ihnen erzeugten Raumbilder dokumentieren geschichtliche Entwicklungen in all ihrer Kontinuität und Dynamik. Sie spiegeln die Dauerhaftigkeit von Naturverhältnissen ebenso wider wie die Verschiebung von Machtverhältnissen und Grenzen. Es sind besonders Kriegszeiten, in denen Räume neu vermessen, Karten neu gezeichnet und für die Information der Öffentlichkeit genutzt… Read More Martin Jeske (2023): Ein Imperium wird vermessen: Kartographie, Kulturtransfer und Raumerschließung im Zarenreich (1797–1919). De Gruyter Oldenbourg: Berlin.

2021, Publikationen

Riccardo Bavaj, Konrad Lawson, and Bernhard Struck (eds.) (2021): Doing Spatial History. Routledge: London and New York.

This volume provides a practical introduction to spatial history through the lens of the different primary sources that historians use. It is informed by a range of analytical perspectives and conveys a sense of the various facets of spatial history in a tangible, case-study based manner. The chapter authors hail from a variety of fields,… Read More Riccardo Bavaj, Konrad Lawson, and Bernhard Struck (eds.) (2021): Doing Spatial History. Routledge: London and New York.

2022, Publikationen

Jean Marc Besse (2022) (ed.): Forme du savoir, forme de pouvoir. Les atlas géographiques à l’époque moderne et contemporaine. Publications de l’École française de Rome: Rome

Parmi les livres qui ont permis aux sociétés modernes et contemporaines d’élaborer une nouvelle compréhension du monde terrestre à la suite des entreprises de découverte et de conquête engagées par les puissances européennes, les atlas géographiques, dès leur apparition en Europe à la fin du XVIe siècle, ont occupé une place déterminante. À la fois… Read More Jean Marc Besse (2022) (ed.): Forme du savoir, forme de pouvoir. Les atlas géographiques à l’époque moderne et contemporaine. Publications de l’École française de Rome: Rome

2022, Publikationen

Mahshid Mayar (2022): Citizens and Rulers of the World. The American Child and the Cartographic Pedagogies of Empire, The University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill.

By delving into the complex, cross-generational exchanges that characterize any political project as rampant as empire, this thought-provoking study focuses on children and their ambivalent, intimate relationships with maps and practices of mapping at the dawn of the „American Century.“ Considering children as students, map and puzzle makers, letter writers, and playmates, Mahshid Mayar interrogates… Read More Mahshid Mayar (2022): Citizens and Rulers of the World. The American Child and the Cartographic Pedagogies of Empire, The University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill.


Limits of Europeanness? Contested Notions of Difference and Belonging (16th-21st Centuries). Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria), 06.09.2023 – 08.09.2023

A basic tension inherent in any idea of Europe is that it links some set of “cultural values” (H. Joas/K. Wiegandt) to a geographical space on the western fringe of the Asian landmass, but at the same time allows for a significant degree of internal diversity, the boundaries of which are constantly shifting and disputed.… Read More Limits of Europeanness? Contested Notions of Difference and Belonging (16th-21st Centuries). Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria), 06.09.2023 – 08.09.2023


Urbanity: History, Concept, Uses, University of Erfurt, 16.11.2022 – 18.11.2022

The subjective character of urbanity invites to differentiate actors: urban experiences are shaped by the identity of individuals and groups, their ethnic, social and religious background, their dreams, agendas and values. Our main interest lies in grasping and analysing the essential contribution of religion to this complex and intertwined formation of urbanity (and vice versa).… Read More Urbanity: History, Concept, Uses, University of Erfurt, 16.11.2022 – 18.11.2022