John Dixon Hunt (2022): Genius Loci. An Essay on the Meanings of Place. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

For ancient Romans, genius loci was literally “the genius of the place,” the presiding divinity who inhabited a site and gave it meaning. While we are less attuned to divinity today, we still sense that a place has significance. In this book, eminent garden historian John Dixon Hunt explores genius loci in many settings, including… Read More John Dixon Hunt (2022): Genius Loci. An Essay on the Meanings of Place. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

2022, Publikationen

Martin Rohde (2022): Nationale Wissenschaft zwischen zwei Imperien. Die Ševčenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1892–1918, V & R unipress: Göttingen.

Welche Faktoren beeinflussten die Wissensproduktion nicht-dominanter Gruppen in hierarchisierten Kontakträumen? Der Band geht dieser Frage anhand der ukrainischen Ševčenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften im habsburgischen Galizien des späten 19./frühen 20. Jahrhunderts nach, als die ukrainische Wissenschaftslandschaft nahezu monozentrisch auf diesen Verein ausgerichtet war. Durch das Prisma des Vereinsgeschehens lässt sich deshalb die aufkeimende ukrainischsprachige Wissenschaft mit einem… Read More Martin Rohde (2022): Nationale Wissenschaft zwischen zwei Imperien. Die Ševčenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1892–1918, V & R unipress: Göttingen.

2022, Publikationen

Simona Boscani Leoni, Sarah Baumgartner, and Meike Knittel, (eds.) (2022) Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850. Brill: Leiden.

The book analyses from a comparative perspective the exploration of territories, the histories of their inhabitants, and local natural environments during the long eighteenth century. The eleven chapters look at European science at home and abroad as well as at global scientific practices and the involvement of a great variety of local actors in the… Read More Simona Boscani Leoni, Sarah Baumgartner, and Meike Knittel, (eds.) (2022) Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850. Brill: Leiden.

2022, Publikationen

Lachlan Fleetwood (2022): Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

When, how, and why did the Himalaya become the highest mountains in the world? In 1800, Chimborazo in South America was believed to be the world’s highest mountain, only succeeded by Mount Everest in 1856. Science on the Roof of the World tells the story of this shift, and the scientific, imaginative, and political remaking… Read More Lachlan Fleetwood (2022): Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

2022, Publikationen

John Rennie Short (2022): The Rise and Fall of the National Atlas in the Twentieth Century: Power, State and Territory. Anthem: London.

he publication of the National Atlas of Finland in 1899 marks the beginning of the era of the modern national atlas. It is a period that coincides neatly with the twentieth century. The modern national atlas mirrors and embodies some of the important themes of this turbulent century, including the complex connections between nation, state… Read More John Rennie Short (2022): The Rise and Fall of the National Atlas in the Twentieth Century: Power, State and Territory. Anthem: London.

2022, Publikationen

Matthew Unangst (2022): Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884–1905. University of Toronto Press: Toronto.

Colonial Geography charts changes in conceptions of the relationship between people and landscapes in mainland Tanzania during the German colonial period. In German minds, colonial development would depend on the relationship between East Africans and the landscape. Colonial Geography argues that the most important element in German imperialism was not its violence but its attempts… Read More Matthew Unangst (2022): Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884–1905. University of Toronto Press: Toronto.

2022, Publikationen

Olena Palko and Constantin Ardeleanu (eds.) (2022): Making Ukraine: Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century. McGill-Queen’s University Press: Chicago.

Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine have brought scholarly and public attention to Ukraine’s borders. Making Ukraine aims to investigate the various processes of negotiation, delineation, and contestation that have shaped the country’s borders throughout the past century. Essays by contributors from various historical fields consider how,… Read More Olena Palko and Constantin Ardeleanu (eds.) (2022): Making Ukraine: Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century. McGill-Queen’s University Press: Chicago.

2022, Publikationen

Oliver Lubrich (2022): Humboldt oder Wie das Reisen das Denken verändert. Matthes & Seitz: Berlin.

Von 1799 bis 1804 reist Alexander von Humboldt nach und durch Amerika, später nach Russland und bis an die Grenze des chinesischen Kaiserreichs. Was seine Reisen begleitet, ist das Schreiben. Aus seinen veröffentlichten, aber auch unveröffentlichten Schriften entsteht in Oliver Lubrichs Untersuchung ein Bild des Reisenden selbst: neugierig und trotz Vorurteilen stets bereit, genau diese… Read More Oliver Lubrich (2022): Humboldt oder Wie das Reisen das Denken verändert. Matthes & Seitz: Berlin.

2022, Publikationen

Helge Wendt (2022): Kohlezeit. Eine Global- und Wissensgeschichte (1500–1900). Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

Angesichts begrenzter Ressourcen und ökologischer Krisen zielt die Energiewende heute auf die Dekarbonisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, auf ein neues Zeitalter, in dem die Kohle keine Rolle mehr spielt. Gerade diese hehre Absicht verdeutlicht, dass es eine Ära gegeben haben muss, in der Kohle für die Menschheit überaus wichtig war: die »Kohlezeit«. Helge Wendt zeichnet… Read More Helge Wendt (2022): Kohlezeit. Eine Global- und Wissensgeschichte (1500–1900). Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

2022, Publikationen

Sascha Nolden, George Hook and Simon Nathan (eds.) (2022): Sir Julius von Haast Commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of the founder of Canterbury Museum. Proceedings of the Haast Symposium hosted by Canterbury Museum 30 April – 1 May 2022. Canterbury Museum Bulletin No. 11: Canterbury.

This volume presents 10 papers related to the life of Canterbury Museum founder Sir Julius von Haast, eight of which were presented at the online symposium Haast Symposium: Celebrating the Life of Sir Julius von Haast in 2022. Sir Julius von Haast, who was born on 1 May 1822 in Bonn, Germany. This special Canterbury Museum Bulletin… Read More Sascha Nolden, George Hook and Simon Nathan (eds.) (2022): Sir Julius von Haast Commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of the founder of Canterbury Museum. Proceedings of the Haast Symposium hosted by Canterbury Museum 30 April – 1 May 2022. Canterbury Museum Bulletin No. 11: Canterbury.