
43rd Symposium of the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO) – Mexico City, 12-22 November 2018

The Mexican Delegation of the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences is delighted to organise our 43rd INHIGEO Conference, to be held at the Palace of Mining in Mexico City, from 12-22 November to 2018.



-) History of vulcanological studies

-) Humboldt’s influence in earth sciences

-) Werner’s neptunists in America

-) History of mining and oil research

-) General contributions on the history of Geology



15 December 2017 Deadline for “Expression of Interest” for Conference and Post-Conference trip

15 April 2018 Deadline for abstract submission

18 May 2018 Notification of acceptance and 2nd Circular

15 July 2018 Closure of early bird registration for Conference, Post- Meeting trip, and accompanying participant´s registration


Registration fees for Conference and Post-Conference trip after 15 July will be 450 US dollars, and 300 US dollars for accompanying participants.


Contact: inhigeo@igg.unam.mx



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