
Transcultural Knowledge. ESHS 1st Young Scholars Conference, Paris, 10.09.2019 – 12.09.2019

The Young Scholars Network of the European Society for the History of Science was founded to better integrate graduate students and early career researches in the activities of the Society and in the field of history of science and give them the opportunity to connect with each other. Our first Young Scholars Conference will be held at the Paris Observatory, September 10th – 12th, 2019.

We invite submissions for individual papers and symposia which address the main topic of the conference: Transcultural Knowledge. This topic includes (but is not limited to) the transmission of knowledge from one culture to another and its transformation in the process, new knowledge emerging from the use of known traditions, transnational knowledge, the significance of culture in history of science and history of knowledge, circulation of scientific knowledge by translations and transliterations, merging traditions, influences of cultural background of scientists on their work, reintroduction of ancient methods in science, technology and the arts, and mutual interactions of knowledge and cultures.

Abstracts for individual papers should contain max. 300 words (20 min. + 10 min. discussion). Symposia should be held by three authors (1.5 hours altogether).

ESHS offers several travel bursaries for speakers who need funding.

Keynote Speakers:
Karine Chemla (SPHERE – CNRS & University Paris Diderot)
Rivkah Feldhay (Minerva Humanities Center, Tel Aviv University)
Samuel Gessner (SYRTE – Paris Observatory)

Please submit all proposals via the form on the conference website:
Submission deadline: April 30th, 2019
Notification of acceptance: May 24th, 2019

If you have any questions, you can contact us at ESHSYoungScholars2019@gmail.com

Conference organizing committee:
Idit Chikurel, Laure Miolo, Hugo Soares and Alexander Stöger


Alexander Stöger
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
