
Making Knowledge on Ukraine in the Interwar Period. Workshop, IOS Regensburg, Germany, 25–26 September 2023.

The Russian war against Ukraine resulted in a massive displacement of Ukrainian scholars and increasing attempts to make knowledge on Ukraine. At the same time a discussion emerged about the persons who could legitimately claim expertise about the country. The figure of the expert has oscillated between the “native informants,” whose legitimacy came from their… Read More Making Knowledge on Ukraine in the Interwar Period. Workshop, IOS Regensburg, Germany, 25–26 September 2023.

2023, Publikationen

Matthias Glaubrecht (2023): Dichter, Naturkundler, Welterforscher: Adelbert von Chamisso und die Suche nach der Nordostpassage,Galiani: Berlin.

Als Flüchtling kam Adelbert von Chamisso in den Wirren der französischen Revolution nach Deutschland. Seine Heimat und seine Sprache hatte er verloren – in der Fremdsprache Deutsch begann er zu dichten, erfand die Gestalt des schattenlosen Peter Schlemihl und wurde damit berühmt. Aber damit war er nicht angekommen, im Gegenteil: In einer Zeit, in der selbst… Read More Matthias Glaubrecht (2023): Dichter, Naturkundler, Welterforscher: Adelbert von Chamisso und die Suche nach der Nordostpassage,Galiani: Berlin.


CfP. Shaping the Periphery, Enabling Movement – Infrastructure in the Caucasus from the Early 19th Century to the Late Soviet Period, Yerevan State University (Armenia), 02.10.2023 – 06.10.2023

Infrastructure has played a crucial role in all empires as a way to access, administrate and control the peripheries, but also to integrate them. By developing infrastructure, the political center promised to supply material goods, security, and knowledge to these regions; at the same time, this infrastructure was also used to project imperial military power.… Read More CfP. Shaping the Periphery, Enabling Movement – Infrastructure in the Caucasus from the Early 19th Century to the Late Soviet Period, Yerevan State University (Armenia), 02.10.2023 – 06.10.2023


Locating the Self, Negotiating the Other: Imperial Expansion and Conversion in the Early Modern Period, Department of Eastern European History at the University of Münster, 05.10.2023 – 07.10.2023

Conversion and imperial expansion often coincided. Sacred places of the former dominant religion were destroyed or transformed and provided with symbols of the new religion. Objects of the material world of the old faith were alienated from their original purpose, desecrated and refashioned for the liturgy of the new faith. Existing discourses and rituals were… Read More Locating the Self, Negotiating the Other: Imperial Expansion and Conversion in the Early Modern Period, Department of Eastern European History at the University of Münster, 05.10.2023 – 07.10.2023


CfP. (Re-)Ordering Eastern Europe, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS) , Regensburg, 12.10.2023 – 13.10.2023.

From the bipolar setup of the Cold-war era via a unipolar world order following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world has moved on to yet another stage of being in flux. It is marked by constant re-negotiations and re-adjustments of centres and balances of power, as well as of security arrangements involving volatile… Read More CfP. (Re-)Ordering Eastern Europe, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS) , Regensburg, 12.10.2023 – 13.10.2023.

2023, Publikationen

Alexander Sievers (2023): Die Ökonomisierung der Kartografie: Kartenhandel im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Beihefte, 31), ‎De Gruyter Oldenbourg: Berlin.

Kartografiegeschichte erforscht Karten und die Akteure, welche die Karten erstellen. Die Kultur des Produzenten spielt dabei eine ebenso große Rolle, wie auch die Bedeutung des Karteninhaltes für den (vermeintlichen) Rezipienten. Dabei wurde in der Vergangenheit häufig außer Acht gelassen, dass die Kartenproduktion der Neuzeit keinesfalls eine Freizeitbeschäftigung einiger Weniger war, deren herausragende gesellschaftliche Stellung erst… Read More Alexander Sievers (2023): Die Ökonomisierung der Kartografie: Kartenhandel im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Beihefte, 31), ‎De Gruyter Oldenbourg: Berlin.

2023, Publikationen

Shellen Xiao Wu (2023): Birth of the Geopolitical Age: Global Frontiers and the Making of Modern China. Stanford University Press: Stanford.

From the 1850s until the mid-twentieth century, a period marked by global conflicts and anxiety about dwindling resources and closing opportunities after decades of expansion, the frontier became a mirror for historically and geographically specific hopes and fears. From Asia to Europe and the Americas, countries around the world engaged with new interpretations of empire… Read More Shellen Xiao Wu (2023): Birth of the Geopolitical Age: Global Frontiers and the Making of Modern China. Stanford University Press: Stanford.

2023, Publikationen

David Baillargeon and Jeremy E. Taylor (eds.) (2023): Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia. Bloomsbury Academic: London and New York.

This open access book explores how different spatial geographies emerged, adapted or were transformed in various occupied and colonial settings around Asia, showing how the experiences of those living under occupation shaped and was shaped by new interpretations and typologies of ’space‘. With case studies across South, Southeast and East Asia and through a variety… Read More David Baillargeon and Jeremy E. Taylor (eds.) (2023): Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia. Bloomsbury Academic: London and New York.

2023, Publikationen

John Keay (2023): Himalaya: Exploring the Roof of the World. Bloomsbury: London and New York

History has not been kind to Himalaya. Empires have collided here, cultures have clashed. Buddhist India claimed it from the south, Islam put down roots in its western approaches, Mongols and Manchus rode in from the north, and, from the east, China continues to absorb what it prefers not to call Tibet. Hunters have decimated… Read More John Keay (2023): Himalaya: Exploring the Roof of the World. Bloomsbury: London and New York

2023, Publikationen

Ferenc Jankó (2023): The Geographical Discovery of Burgenland: Science, Geopolitics, Identity and Progress in the Twentieth Centur, Central European University Press: Vienna.

The area that constitutes the Austrian federal province Burgenland belonged to the Hungarian part of the Habsburg empire until the end of World War I. This book helps us realize that geographical knowledge does not come ready-made. Instead, it is created by knowledge makers: geographers, historians, statisticians etc. This knowledge making helped to legitimatize the… Read More Ferenc Jankó (2023): The Geographical Discovery of Burgenland: Science, Geopolitics, Identity and Progress in the Twentieth Centur, Central European University Press: Vienna.