
CfP. (Re-)Ordering Eastern Europe, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS) , Regensburg, 12.10.2023 – 13.10.2023.

From the bipolar setup of the Cold-war era via a unipolar world order following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world has moved on to yet another stage of being in flux. It is marked by constant re-negotiations and re-adjustments of centres and balances of power, as well as of security arrangements involving volatile… Read More CfP. (Re-)Ordering Eastern Europe, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS) , Regensburg, 12.10.2023 – 13.10.2023.


Netzwerk topografische Bildmedien (NtB) / Network Topographic Visual Media. Online Conference, 24.03.2023 – 30.06.2023

Topographic visual media are produced and used in a wide variety of fields, such as science, art, the military, administration, jurisdiction and tourism. The Network Topographic Visual Media aims to understand and examine the functions, applications, and interconnections of topographic representations. Thus, it provides a public platform for academic debate and exchange between research projects… Read More Netzwerk topografische Bildmedien (NtB) / Network Topographic Visual Media. Online Conference, 24.03.2023 – 30.06.2023


Histories of Earth Sciences: Visual and Interdisciplinary Approaches amid an Environmental Crisis, Center for the History of the Mountains, Material Culture and Earth Sciences, University of Insubria (Vares, Italy), 6 June 2023

For decades now, the history of Earth sciences has been a ground for the development of interdisciplinary research. Historians and scientists from different disciplines have been contributing with methodologies coming from the history of institutions, art history, visual studies, material studies, geoscientific fields (such as integrating geoscientific iconography or retreating historical fieldwork), philosophy, gender studies,… Read More Histories of Earth Sciences: Visual and Interdisciplinary Approaches amid an Environmental Crisis, Center for the History of the Mountains, Material Culture and Earth Sciences, University of Insubria (Vares, Italy), 6 June 2023


Residues of the Past: (De)constructing urban histories. Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Erkner, 24.07.2023 – 27.07.2023

The focus of the summer school is to examine how historical strata have been understood, constructed, and interpreted in different European cities from the post-war period to the present day. Residues of the Past: (De)constructing urban histories On the one hand, the participants will learn how historic buildings were integrated into the post-war reconstruction plans… Read More Residues of the Past: (De)constructing urban histories. Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Erkner, 24.07.2023 – 27.07.2023


CfP. Die Zukunft der Geographischen Landeskunde? Regionalgeographische Beiträge in den Area Studies. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023, Frankfurt am Main, 19.09.2023 – 23.09.2023

Die Fachsitzung beim Deutschen Kongress für Geographie 2023 in Frankfurt am Main nähert sich der Frage, ob die Arbeit von Geograph:innen im Kontext der Area Studies als Fortentwicklung regionalgeographischer Ansätze in der Traditionslinie der Geographischen Landeskunde betrachtet werden können. Die Zukunft der Geographischen Landeskunde? Regionalgeographische Beiträge in den Area Studies Die Vorträge geben Einblicke in… Read More CfP. Die Zukunft der Geographischen Landeskunde? Regionalgeographische Beiträge in den Area Studies. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023, Frankfurt am Main, 19.09.2023 – 23.09.2023


CfP. Knowing the planet: Environment, technology and development in the 19th and 20th centuries. European University Institute, Firenze, 26.01.2024 – 26.01.2024

This one-day workshop will interrogate the relationship between environment and technology in developmental projects, practices, and discourses during the 19th and 20th centuries. While histories of environment and histories of technology have each moved in exciting, interdisciplinary directions in recent years, there has been little work analysing the relationship between environment and technology in global… Read More CfP. Knowing the planet: Environment, technology and development in the 19th and 20th centuries. European University Institute, Firenze, 26.01.2024 – 26.01.2024


Geographien des Verlusts, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt am Main, 19.09.2023 – 23.09.2023

Geographien des Verlusts entstehen im Zusammenspiel von historischen, gesellschaftspolitischen, kulturellen, räumlichen und planetarischen Transformationen. In Geographie und Geschichtswissenschaft erscheint die systematische und konzeptionelle Erschließung von Verlust als Desiderat, was angesichts der Ubiquität von Krisendiagnosen im Anthropozän überrascht. Der Call for Papers lädt ein, die Geographien des Verlusts in konzeptionellen und empirischen Beiträgen zu erkunden. Geographien… Read More Geographien des Verlusts, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt am Main, 19.09.2023 – 23.09.2023


CfP. Regionale Entwicklungsprozesse und territoriale Erinnerungsräume, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 13.02.2023 – 23.09.2023

Projekte der Stadt-, Regional- und Landschaftsplanung sind in der Regel territorial gebundene Vorhaben, die zukünftige Entwicklungen von Städten, Gemeinden und Kreisen betreffen. Dabei werden die Territorien einzelner Gebiete im Kontext von Wirtschafts- und Kommunalkooperationen zumeist überschritten, wobei es hier durchaus passieren kann, dass Kooperationen wiederholend nicht zu Stande kommen. Solche Entwicklungen führen manche Akteure in… Read More CfP. Regionale Entwicklungsprozesse und territoriale Erinnerungsräume, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 13.02.2023 – 23.09.2023


Borders and Boundaries. Katholische Akademie Berlin, 12.06. – 15.06.2023

The Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought (IARPT) is pleased to announce its 2023 international meeting, which will be held at the Katholische Akademie in Berlin on June 12–15 2023. The theme of the meeting is borders and boundaries. Keynote and plenary speakers include Sigurd Bergmann, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary, Terrence Deacon, John Thatamanil, Robert… Read More Borders and Boundaries. Katholische Akademie Berlin, 12.06. – 15.06.2023


Urban Narratives: Rebuilding and Rebranding European Cities from the 20th Century until Present Day. Herder Institute for Historical Research on Eastern Europe, Marburg, 19.10.2023 – 20.10.2023

Throughout history, city planners, architects, inhabitants, and politicians had to respond and adjust to caesuras caused by humankind (war) or forces of nature (extreme climate phenomena). Both manmade and natural destruction pose a threat to a city’s structure and appearance but can also be a chance for its renewal. But whose intentions and voice are… Read More Urban Narratives: Rebuilding and Rebranding European Cities from the 20th Century until Present Day. Herder Institute for Historical Research on Eastern Europe, Marburg, 19.10.2023 – 20.10.2023