2023, Publikationen

Jordi Martí-Henneberg (2023): Creative Ways to apply Historical GIS. Promoting Research and Teaching about Europe Creative Ways to apply Historical GIS: Promoting Research and Teaching about Europe. Springer: Cham.

This volume promotes the use of Historical GIS (H-GIS) for both education and research. It consists of a coherent set of chapters that allow readers to study the spatial histories of cities, infrastructure, landscapes, and more across Europe. Each chapter is accompanied by Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) including GIS data, guides and complementary material in .pdf format,… Read More Jordi Martí-Henneberg (2023): Creative Ways to apply Historical GIS. Promoting Research and Teaching about Europe Creative Ways to apply Historical GIS: Promoting Research and Teaching about Europe. Springer: Cham.

2022, Publikationen

Julie Crea Dunbar (2022): Exploring World History through Geography. From the Cradle of Civilization to a Globalized World. Bloomsbury: London and New York.

From the early civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia to our present-day globalized society, readers will learn how humans interacted-and still interact-with the environment around them, as well as the environment’s role in not only shaping the society’s world view but enabling the building of socially stratified and successful civilizations. Not your run-of-the-mill world history tome, this… Read More Julie Crea Dunbar (2022): Exploring World History through Geography. From the Cradle of Civilization to a Globalized World. Bloomsbury: London and New York.

2023, Publikationen

Isabella Alexander (2023): Copyright and Cartography. History, Law, and the Circulation of Geographical Knowledge. Bloomsbury: London and New York.

This open access book explores the intertwined histories of mapmaking and copyright law in Britain from the early modern period up to World War 1, focusing chiefly on the 18th and 19th centuries. Taking a multidisciplinary approach and making extensive use of the archival record, this is the first detailed, historical account of the relationship… Read More Isabella Alexander (2023): Copyright and Cartography. History, Law, and the Circulation of Geographical Knowledge. Bloomsbury: London and New York.

2023, Publikationen

Peter Bellerby (2023): The Globemakers. The Curious Story of an Ancient Craft. Bloomsbury: London and New York.

Peter Bellerby is the founder of Bellerby & Co. Globemakers, the world’s only truly bespoke makers of globes. His team of skilled craftspeople make exquisite terrestrial, celestial and planetary globes for customers around the world. The story began after his attempt to find a special globe for his father’s 80th birthday. Failing to find anything… Read More Peter Bellerby (2023): The Globemakers. The Curious Story of an Ancient Craft. Bloomsbury: London and New York.


John Dixon Hunt (2022): Genius Loci. An Essay on the Meanings of Place. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

For ancient Romans, genius loci was literally “the genius of the place,” the presiding divinity who inhabited a site and gave it meaning. While we are less attuned to divinity today, we still sense that a place has significance. In this book, eminent garden historian John Dixon Hunt explores genius loci in many settings, including… Read More John Dixon Hunt (2022): Genius Loci. An Essay on the Meanings of Place. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.


Maximilian Georg (2023): Deutsche Archäologen und ägyptische Arbeiter. Historischer Kontext, personelle Bedingungen und soziale Implikationen von Ausgrabungen in Ägypten, 1898-1914. transcript: Bielefeld

Die Geschichte der Archäologie in Ägypten erzählt meist nur von westlichen Archäologen und »ihren« großen Funden. Die tatsächlich grabenden Arbeiter werden hingegen verschwiegen. Woher kamen sie? Was waren ihre Aufgaben? Wie war das Verhältnis zwischen ihnen und den Grabungsleitern? Maximilian Georg untersucht die deutsche Archäologiegeschichte zwischen 1898 und 1914 sowie den Einfluss der Arbeiter auf… Read More Maximilian Georg (2023): Deutsche Archäologen und ägyptische Arbeiter. Historischer Kontext, personelle Bedingungen und soziale Implikationen von Ausgrabungen in Ägypten, 1898-1914. transcript: Bielefeld

2022, Publikationen

Martin Rohde (2022): Nationale Wissenschaft zwischen zwei Imperien. Die Ševčenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1892–1918, V & R unipress: Göttingen.

Welche Faktoren beeinflussten die Wissensproduktion nicht-dominanter Gruppen in hierarchisierten Kontakträumen? Der Band geht dieser Frage anhand der ukrainischen Ševčenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften im habsburgischen Galizien des späten 19./frühen 20. Jahrhunderts nach, als die ukrainische Wissenschaftslandschaft nahezu monozentrisch auf diesen Verein ausgerichtet war. Durch das Prisma des Vereinsgeschehens lässt sich deshalb die aufkeimende ukrainischsprachige Wissenschaft mit einem… Read More Martin Rohde (2022): Nationale Wissenschaft zwischen zwei Imperien. Die Ševčenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1892–1918, V & R unipress: Göttingen.

2023, Publikationen

Christopher Ward, Sandra Ruckstuhl and Isabelle Learmont (2023): The History of Water in the Land Once Called Palestine: Scarcity, Conflict and Loss in Middle East Water Resources. I.B.Tauris: London, New York.

Shared water resources in Israel and Palestine are often the site of political, economic, historical, legal and ethical contestation. In this, the first of two volumes on the subject, the authors look beyond the political tensions of the region, to argue for the need for shared water security and co-operative resource management. The History of… Read More Christopher Ward, Sandra Ruckstuhl and Isabelle Learmont (2023): The History of Water in the Land Once Called Palestine: Scarcity, Conflict and Loss in Middle East Water Resources. I.B.Tauris: London, New York.

2023, Publikationen

Jordi Martí-Henneberg (Ed.) (2023): Creative Ways to apply Historical GIS: Promoting Research and Teaching about Europe. Springer: Cham.

This volume promotes the use of Historical GIS (H-GIS) for both education and research. It consists of a coherent set of chapters that allow readers to study the spatial histories of cities, infrastructure, landscapes, and more across Europe. Each chapter is accompanied by Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) including GIS data, guides and complementary material in .pdf format,… Read More Jordi Martí-Henneberg (Ed.) (2023): Creative Ways to apply Historical GIS: Promoting Research and Teaching about Europe. Springer: Cham.

2023, Publikationen

Matthias Glaubrecht (2023): Dichter, Naturkundler, Welterforscher: Adelbert von Chamisso und die Suche nach der Nordostpassage,Galiani: Berlin.

Als Flüchtling kam Adelbert von Chamisso in den Wirren der französischen Revolution nach Deutschland. Seine Heimat und seine Sprache hatte er verloren – in der Fremdsprache Deutsch begann er zu dichten, erfand die Gestalt des schattenlosen Peter Schlemihl und wurde damit berühmt. Aber damit war er nicht angekommen, im Gegenteil: In einer Zeit, in der selbst… Read More Matthias Glaubrecht (2023): Dichter, Naturkundler, Welterforscher: Adelbert von Chamisso und die Suche nach der Nordostpassage,Galiani: Berlin.