2021, 2021, Publikationen

Peter J. Capelotti (ed.) (2021): The Coldest Coast. The 1873 Leigh Smith Expedition to Svalbard in the Diaries and Photographs of Herbert Chermside. Springer: Cham.

This book describes the 1873 voyage of the British explorer Benjamin Leigh Smith, based on the diaries and photographs of Lieutenant Herbert C. Chermside, who joined the expedition of the seas around Svalbard. Chermside’s photographs, long believed lost, have recently been uncovered in Sweden and are being curated there by the Grenna Museum. The three… Read More Peter J. Capelotti (ed.) (2021): The Coldest Coast. The 1873 Leigh Smith Expedition to Svalbard in the Diaries and Photographs of Herbert Chermside. Springer: Cham.

2021, 2021, Publikationen

Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš and Nikola Glamuzina (eds.) (2021): The Historical Geography of Croatia. Territorial Change and Cultural Landscapes. Springer: Cham.

This monograph gives a comprehensive but in-depth analysis of the territorial development of Croatia and historical processes of significant spatial impact. It covers the millennial time span – from prehistory till the present, through relevant periods, e.g., prehistory, antiquity, Middle Ages, period of Ottoman progression and retreat, Post-Ottoman period of development of the Central European… Read More Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš and Nikola Glamuzina (eds.) (2021): The Historical Geography of Croatia. Territorial Change and Cultural Landscapes. Springer: Cham.


Ausstellung: „Symbol, Macht, Bewegung. Tirol im historischen Kartenbild“, Schloss Tirol – Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Kultur- und Landesgeschichte, 3. Juli bis 21. November 2021

Von 3. Juli bis zum 21. November 2021 findet im Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Kultur- und Landesgeschichte auf Schloss Tirol die von Petra Svatek konzipierte Ausstellung „Symbol, Macht, Bewegung. Tirol im historischen Kartenbild“ statt. Das Ziel besteht darin, nicht nur einen allgemeinen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Tiroler Kartographie im Laufe der Jahrhunderte zu liefern, sondern… Read More Ausstellung: „Symbol, Macht, Bewegung. Tirol im historischen Kartenbild“, Schloss Tirol – Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Kultur- und Landesgeschichte, 3. Juli bis 21. November 2021


Conception of Space, Landscape and Urbanism in Ancient and Modern Times, University of Eichstätt, 05.07.2021 – 06.07.2021.

The conference intends to focus on the concept of urban space as a result of man’s action on the territory through time and to consider the city as the interpretative key to the historical, social and economic evolution of the territory. Conception of Space, Landscape and Urbanism in Ancient and Modern Times The conference intends… Read More Conception of Space, Landscape and Urbanism in Ancient and Modern Times, University of Eichstätt, 05.07.2021 – 06.07.2021.