2021, Publikationen

John Mortimer, Tom O’Donoghue (2021): The Making of Geography as a Secondary School Subject. A Perspective from Australia. Cambridge Scholar Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne.

No work has ever been produced previously that shows how historically geography has been constructed as a subject for the senior years of secondary schooling in Western Australia from 1917 to 1997. In doing so, this book contributes to the existing corpus of international research on the history of curriculum and particularly the history of… Read More John Mortimer, Tom O’Donoghue (2021): The Making of Geography as a Secondary School Subject. A Perspective from Australia. Cambridge Scholar Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne.

2023, Publikationen

Paul Moon (2023): A Draught of the South Land: Mapping New Zealand from Tasman to Cook. Lutterworth Press: Cambridge.

The story of how the map of New Zealand emergedis a fascinating one. The first full map of the islands was published in Londonin 1773, which might seem the natural starting point, but over the preceding150 years, fragments of charts and intelligence about New Zealand ricochetedaround various parts of the world.  In ADraught of the… Read More Paul Moon (2023): A Draught of the South Land: Mapping New Zealand from Tasman to Cook. Lutterworth Press: Cambridge.

2023, Publikationen

Ruth Craggs, Hannah Neate (2023): Decolonising Geography? Disciplinary Histories and the End of the British Empire in Africa, 1948-1998. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester.

How did a generation of academic geographers engage with constitutional decolonisation during the end of the British empire in Africa? In Decolonising Geography? Disciplinary Histories and the End of the British Empire in Africa, 1948-1990, Ruth Craggs and Hannah Neate explore how the teaching, research, administration and activism of geographers in Africa shaped the decolonisation… Read More Ruth Craggs, Hannah Neate (2023): Decolonising Geography? Disciplinary Histories and the End of the British Empire in Africa, 1948-1998. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester.