2024, 2025, Publikationen

Oliver Krause (Hg.) (2024): Globalgeschichte / Global History 2,1. Themenheft: Geopolitische Narrative und geographical imaginations von der Frühen Neuzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden.

Die Geschichtswissenschaft diskutiert seit Jahren intensiv über die Genese, Formen und Folgen weltweiter Verflechtungen und Austauschprozesse. Die Forschungen und Debatten auf dem Feld der Globalgeschichte knüpfen an etablierte Traditionen der außereuropäischen Geschichte, der Geschichte der europäischen Expansion sowie der Geschichte einzelner Weltregionen an, führen jedoch konzeptionell und methodisch über diese hinaus. Dem Wandel des wissenschaftlichen… Read More Oliver Krause (Hg.) (2024): Globalgeschichte / Global History 2,1. Themenheft: Geopolitische Narrative und geographical imaginations von der Frühen Neuzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden.

2024, Publikationen

Tobias Mörike (2024): Palästina begreifen Wissensdinge, Akteursnetzwerke, Raumerzählungen (1877–1929). Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

Dinge vermitteln Vorstellungen und belegen Erkenntnisse. Das »Heilige Land« war seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert Gegenstand theologischer Forschung und wissenschaftlicher Landeskunde. Karten, Pflanzenbelege und ethnographische Gegenstände, denen Tobias Mörike als Wissensdinge nachgeht, vermittelten Vorstellungen eines Freilichtmuseums der Bibel und einer modernen zukünftigen Kolonie. Auf Grundlage der durch Dinge vermittelten Beziehungen geht dieses Buch den Verbindungen… Read More Tobias Mörike (2024): Palästina begreifen Wissensdinge, Akteursnetzwerke, Raumerzählungen (1877–1929). Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

2024, Publikationen

Diana Lange, Benjamin van der Linde (eds.) (2024): Maps and colours : a complex relationship. Brill: Leiden, Boston.

Colours make the map: they affect the map’s materiality, content, and handling. With a wide range of approaches, 14 case studies from various disciplines deal with the colouring of maps from different geographical regions and periods. Connected by their focus on the (hand)colouring of the examined maps, the authors demonstrate the potential of the study… Read More Diana Lange, Benjamin van der Linde (eds.) (2024): Maps and colours : a complex relationship. Brill: Leiden, Boston.


CfP. ‘Epistemic Frontiers’? Geoscientific Knowledge, Authority, and Politics of Participation in Arctic and African Exploration, Oslo, Norway, 22–24th April 2025

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the High Arctic and Africa’s ‘interior’ emerged as major poles of Western geoscientific inquiry, offering untapped resources and routes to prestige and authority. Despite their diverse ecosystems and Indigenous populations, similarities can be found in how European scholars studied, documented, and discussed these regions, both in the field… Read More CfP. ‘Epistemic Frontiers’? Geoscientific Knowledge, Authority, and Politics of Participation in Arctic and African Exploration, Oslo, Norway, 22–24th April 2025

2024, Publikationen

Denis J. B. Shaw (2024): Reconnoitring Russia Mapping, Exploring and Describing Early Modern Russia, 1613-1825. UCL Press: London.

Like many European countries during the Great Age of Discovery and Exploration, Russia embarked on policies of state building, exploration and imperial expansion. At the beginning of the fourteenth century, the territory under Moscow’s control was about twenty thousand square kilometres. By 1800 Russia’s empire had expanded to some eighteen million square kilometres. Russia had… Read More Denis J. B. Shaw (2024): Reconnoitring Russia Mapping, Exploring and Describing Early Modern Russia, 1613-1825. UCL Press: London.

2024, Publikationen

Katharina Paulus, Ferenc Gyuris, Boris Michel (eds.) (2024): Recalibrating the Quantitative Revolution in Geography Travels, Networks, Translations. Routledge: London and New York.

Offers perspectives from a wide range of contexts and national traditions that decenter the Anglo-centric discussions. The mid-20th-century quantitative revolution is frequently regarded as a decisive moment in the history of geography, transforming it into a modern and applied spatial science. This book highlights the different temporalities and spatialities of local geographies laying the ground… Read More Katharina Paulus, Ferenc Gyuris, Boris Michel (eds.) (2024): Recalibrating the Quantitative Revolution in Geography Travels, Networks, Translations. Routledge: London and New York.

2024, Publikationen

Paul Gilchrist, Peter Hansen and Jonathan Westaway (eds.) (2024): Other Everests. One mountain, many worlds. Manchester University Press: Manchester.

hundred years after the tragic 1924 British Everest expedition, this collection explores the wider social and cultural history of the mountain. Mount Everest looms large in the popular imagination. Since the deaths of mountaineers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine in 1924, histories of the mountain have overwhelmingly focused on the mythologies of western male adventure… Read More Paul Gilchrist, Peter Hansen and Jonathan Westaway (eds.) (2024): Other Everests. One mountain, many worlds. Manchester University Press: Manchester.

2023, Publikationen

Ian Klinke (2023): Life, Earth, Colony. Friedrich Ratzel’s Necropolitical Geography. University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor.

Life, Earth, Colony explores the ideas, life, and historical significance of German zoologist turned geographer Friedrich Ratzel (1844–1904), famous for developing the foundations of geopolitical thought. Ratzel produced a remarkable body of work that revolutionized the study of space, movement, colonization, and war. He also served as a source of intellectual inspiration for national socialism,… Read More Ian Klinke (2023): Life, Earth, Colony. Friedrich Ratzel’s Necropolitical Geography. University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor.

2024, Publikationen

Jörn Happel, Melanie Hussinger, and Hajo Raupach (ed.) (2024): Expeditions in the Long Nineteenth Century Discovering, Surveying, and Ordering: Routledge: New York and London.

This book examines the processes of scientific, cultural, political, technical, colonial and violent appropriation during the 19th century. The 19th century was the century of world travel. The earth was explored, surveyed, described, illustrated, and categorized. Travelogues became world bestsellers. Modern technology accompanied the travelers and adventurers: clocks, a postal and telegraph system, surveying equipment,… Read More Jörn Happel, Melanie Hussinger, and Hajo Raupach (ed.) (2024): Expeditions in the Long Nineteenth Century Discovering, Surveying, and Ordering: Routledge: New York and London.

2023, Publikationen

Oliver Dangles (2023): Climate Change on Mountains Reviving. Humboldt’s Approach to Science. Springer Nature Switzerland.

The world is warming rapidly and this change is most noticeable in mountains with already observable consequences on temperature extremes, water cycle, plant and animal distribution, and the resilience of local livelihoods. This book presents concepts, methodologies and major achievements of recent research in climate change ecology in mountains by placing this research in a… Read More Oliver Dangles (2023): Climate Change on Mountains Reviving. Humboldt’s Approach to Science. Springer Nature Switzerland.